Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Whew! This is OVERWELMINGGGG! So, I've been consulting with my friend and she's been helping me with ordering from I'm ready to start, so I gifured I could at least order it and continue my research (since it takes about 2weeks to arrive from overseas). I also, realize that with all the info out there, I could be reading for months and never order, lol. I have the jist of it so, LETS DO THIS!! My friend said the 60 day kit will be fine for me.

So far, I'm 175lbs (lol that sounded funny, as if I'm expecting to go a little higher). My goal is somewhere around 140 since I'm 5'2.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

WoW! I'm still reading info from different sources but in skimming though some of the post on concerning the HCG Diet, I saw someone had said they had to stop b/c they were having to mix oil and soap (for a living). (o_O) That befuddled me b/c I was asking myself "what does that have to do with anything?" Now I'm seeing there's something about not using lotions and creams during this diet. I'll have to read the "Pounds to Inches" by the Dr. who designed this program. I'm sure he covers this. Back to reading, although I'm eager to start! Just seeing my friend's before and after pics have gotten me EXCITED! I want to be prepared and plan well. As the saying goes, "Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail" ;-)

Monday, August 23, 2010

My New, New Journey

Hello World!! :)

I am a working mother of 3, wife, daughter, sister, friend, counselor and motivator for everyone but myself. I'm approaching mid 40's and my health is really starting to become a concern for me. I ran into a friend of a family member at a gathering and she looked FABULOUS! She was sitting down, but just seeing her face I could tell something was verrrrry different. I hugged her and complimented her on how Beautiful she looked and once she stood up, BAM!!!, there it was, she had lost weight! I could not stop smiling and complimenting her on how FABULOUS she looked! After chatting about how much weight she had lost I finally asked "HOW DID YOU DO IT?" She was kind enough to share the HCG Diet with me and it sounds very scary! lol

I'm about 30lbs overweight (well it depends who you ask) but I think I could stand to lose a good 30. Soooo, I just decided for the Hundreth time in my life that I'm tired of being fat :( I'm reading a program called HCG Diet to determine if this is the answer to my prayers. I am about to read "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeons. I'll let you know what I think.