Friday, October 1, 2010

VLCD 12 (167.4) :-)

YAYY!!! I'm finally over the error! Thank God!
I just weighed in and had to update. I need to get ready for work so I'll fill you in this afternoon :-)

I'm so happy today! Its lunchtime and I'm having shrimp (99cal), cucumbers (20cal), Mtoast (23). I had the 1/2 grapefruit for breakfast with stevia and my coffee w/1Tbsp of milk. So far 3-20oz cups of water and now drinking hot green tea. I also stopped taking my Vitamin D pills. I was reading that you should avoid oil based supplements and this one I was taking looked like a gel nyquil thingy. I'm not sure if it had some oil substance or not, but I didn't want to take a chance. I'll resume taking them later on. (its not life and death). So total lunch calories (203)

I'll check in later this evening. Enjoy your day!