Saturday, September 25, 2010

P2D6 Trying to be Patient

Well after talking to Sue and a few "newbies" on the hcgdieters page, Coconut oil was the culprit. As of the day before yesterday, I stopped all coconut oil. Apparently all food oils should be avoided. Which means oil my body can accept/abosorb as FOOD. Coconut, Olive, aloe and palm oils are all food oils. My body will aborb it as food and prevent me from losing fat.

I weighed in this morning at the same 169.6. Perhaps my body needs time to expel the oil that I absorbed. I'm hoping for a better tomorrow.

Today's Breakfast
1/2 grapefruit 86 calories w/stevia
green tea w/stevia
melba toast 23

I think I'm going to pass on the apples for a minute, too. I'll revisit my menu from the first two days.

Time to start the day :-) I'll check in tomorrow.

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